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Truth does not change because it is, or is not,
believed by a majority of the people.
Giordano Bruno
For 35+ years, I have lived and tested Christianity and science to find what is real. This section is an attempt to address some of the common complaints/questions which a thinking atheist/agnostic askes.
Up to this point the emphasis of the website has been on truth. The follow-on pages are filled with theories. There is no claim to great revelation beyond normal logical, critical thinking. Too often, I would ask questions in Christian settings and the answers would be just have faith or it is a mystery. For most people this is enough.
If you are one of those people, don't read the following pages. You don't need them and they may bring you more sorrow than good. Ecclesiastes 1: 18 says, "For with much wisdom come much sorrow; the more knowledge, the more grief." (NIV)
The purpose of these theories is to help explain how I have bridged the understandings of the Bible with the realities of life. Just as in the scientific, I don't expect you to accept these blindly, but to be tested and weighed for your own good. You will probably disagree with some if not all of my theories and they may create fear if you consider them deeply. Again, this journey is not about comfort. This portion is if there is life after death, how do I reconcile the teachings of Jesus and His followers with the world I live in? The 1st century witnesses knew something different and I am willing to pursue this truth until death. This is finding life in the midst of a mortal existence.
At some level every Christian I know accepts Christianity without having a logical solution to all of their questions. After all, being a Christ follower is about trusting a person/God bot about having the answers. Again, you look at the 1st century follower and they seem to be pretty simple minded people. They knew one thing, Jesus who was crucified had been resurrected. This was good enough for them. We live in a different world, a different reality, with so much more knowledge. This section is for those intellectuals who really don't understand and need more to believe.
Most of these theories tend to build on each other and some require a different theory to be accepted to make logical sense. The best way to navigate these is to follow the numeric sequence.
A theory about what is means to be a Christian.
This is a theory of how you can reconcile the words in the Bible with much scientific evidence in today's world.
This is the assumptions I take into many of my theories and why I hold them.
My theory about the nature of God and how it compares to modern day computers.
A discussion about the tree of the knowledge of good and evil
A theory about Genesis 1 and why it encourages me that Christian Realism is true.
OK, this isn't as much as a theory as it is a question for the reader.
This is a theory explaining why there is evil in the world.
Given many people say God is love, is there a hell? A theory about the future.
This website is a living document. As time passes, I will do my best to develop content. Feel free to send me your input and we can discuss it. Hope to one day make videos out of this website to reach a wider audience.