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Most decisions are made emotionally, not rationally. Any good salesperson knows this. It is more important to connect with the person than provide the perfect sales pitch.
This is not always bad. Our subconscious can communicate more effectively through emotions. And sometimes our desires need to drive our decision making.
So what type of decision maker are you?
Psychologist have a term called death anxiety. Sometimes it is high on our consciousness and sometimes it lies deep within our psyche. Death awareness starts at a young age. It is painful to face our own mortality and we develop defense mechanism at an early age.
Psychology Today introduces the idea in this article "The Impact of Death on Our Everyday Lives".
Just as death can drive us to do great things, it can also drive us into greater and greater self-protective holes and damaging behavior.
Being self-aware of this issue allows us to hopefully make better decisions, but doesn't fix the problem. Modern psychology can give us coping mechanisms, decision making theory can tell us the best decisions to be made, and our own denials can keep our fears at bay, but these are not solutions, just self-protective mechanisms. Our subconscious will work to subvert these efforts, sabotaging our joy.
Your fears most likely brought you to this website. And your fears might just as well keep you from accepting the reasoning on this website. I totally understand that feeling. This is your life after all. Why should you give up control of it?
Why? Because what I am telling you is real, both the fact that the most logical answer is that Jesus rose from the dead and that you are going to be haunted with the fear of death, all of your life. You can either let go of it now or be forced to let go of it later.
Why wouldn't God let you submit to Him later?
I worked for two years with a family who were worth over $100 million. I was 20-30 years younger than them and had the advantage of understanding the modern tech world. They were a wonderful couple who were using the money (which they inherited) to try to make the world a better place.
As I observed everyone around them, I saw how their money changed every interaction anyone had with them. I even found myself modifying my behavior to try to get more money from them. The fact of their money was an insidious, subconscious evil. I don't know how they ever had normal relationships after receiving all of that money.
I think this might be a big part of God's problem and why He askes us to make the decision on earth, before we reach heaven. For us to have a relationship with Him, we have to have some knowledge of Him. But the more knowledge we have, the less this becomes a relationship or partnership and the more it becomes something weird.
There is really no good reason to wait to ask Jesus to be your Lord even if this means dying to your self. Logically it makes sense, emotionally it makes you better, willfully, it gives you purpose and meaning. If you don't trust Jesus, death is going to haunt you for the rest of your life and you are going to miss out on so many good things that God has for you.