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[T]ruth eludes us if we do not concentrate our attention totally on its pursuit.
But even while it eludes us, the illusion of knowing it still lingers and leads to many misunderstandings.
Also, truth seldom is pleasant; it is almost invariably bitter.
Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn
Harvard, 1978
Death terrifies me.
We all have our "mental constructs" which we develop over time to understand life and death. And the reality is, most of us are either fleeing death as much as possible or try to make the most out of life before we die.
Reality is defined in Bing as "the state of things as they actually exist, as opposed to an idealistic or notional idea of them." On the radio, just the other day, a speaker said that truth is the ideas which are real. "Truth" is a loaded word. Most people separate the reality that they live from the truth they confess or the beliefs they trust. Over time, if those truths are not challenged either by reality or other people, they become deeply ingrained to the point that we feel attacked personally when someone attacks the truths we believe. And what happens when reality attacks our "truths"? Well, we either change or try to ignore the inconsistency as quickly as possible.
You know someone who is holding onto a “truth” that you don’t agree with. We all have people who we don’t agree with their understanding of the world. Isn't it funny (and frustrating), we all live in the same world, in the same “reality” yet we have created literally billions of different mental constructs about life.
Some constructs are simple. Some are considered crazy. Constructs are often communal, in the sense that a group will reinforce beliefs and suppress questions. Some mental constructs are very complex. They may be called religions or they may be called scientific theory.
Did that statement upset you? Are you willing to consider that something you believe could be not fully real?
It is more comfortable to live in our constructs as they provide us comfort, than to question what might be real or not real. But there is an issue ignoring reality that we all face which brings us back to my initial statement. Unfortunately, my mind can’t let go of some things.
Death terrified me. It haunted me. I hate going to sleep because of the fear of losing out or never waking. Some people say death doesn't scare them because it is just like falling asleep. Do they even imagine about not existing anymore?
This is the reality we cannot avoid, and the fear which forces us to face our constructs.
For me, death’s shadow overwhelms all comforts. And for 45+ years, I have searched for reality, primarily to “dodge” death as best as I could. We all have to face it and I want to face it in the best manner possible.
Is there anything which drives people more fully? Greed, power, fame, knowledge, or love? It is debatable, but I do know that many people chase after these things because they want them before they are dead.
If you feel the same way, if you are looking for answers and are willing to pursue passionately, then you may enjoy the ideas in this website. I start with a discussion of facts and what I believe is the conclusion of them and then the website opens to an area termed "Questions and Theories" which provide unconventional theories of reality which help me make sense of the world.
In today's world, knowledge and understanding expand exponentially. We are overwhelmed with ideas and facts to the point that we become specialists in our fields, freely ignoring other ideas beyond our capacity. We no longer spend the time to integrate our knowledge with the wisdom of living life. I challenge you that your death is too important just to relegate it to one small corner of your mind. Pursue these answers diligently for your own comfort and peace.
This website is NOT for most people. Most people, most of the time, don't care passionately about death and are comfortable with what they believe. Something in this website is bound to upset most people when they fully consider it. For those who are searching for real answers and bend to the intellectual, hopefully, you will find a nugget of truth which helps you grow in your understanding of reality.
The start of this discussion is in the first page called, "The Scientific"